Tending The Secret Garden – Rehearsals and Production
Having planted seeds over a year ago, we are now tending the Garden.
We are currently in rehearsals for the PAC’s upcoming ProAm production of The Secret Garden. We are halfway through the process, and progress is starting to show. The costumes, scenery, and props are being created and collected as the performers diligently memorize their lines, rehearse their songs, and perfect their dance routines. As the director, I have been busy sharing my creative vision with the performers, organizing the staging of each scene and song, and collaborating with the rest of the artistic team to ensure a harmonious production.
We are now to the point in the process where my attention shifts to bringing all the technical elements up to speed by assisting Aaron Taylor, our technical director, with set construction and assembling our tech crew, updating my wife, Allison, our costume designer, as needed, gathering and building props and making sure my script is current before handing it over to Paige Johnson who will be hopping from the box office to the light booth to call the show at each performance.
In a little over two weeks, all our hard work will be in full bloom, and our very own Secret Garden will be ready to share with audiences. Come to the Garden!
Video Links
The links below provide a video version of this month’s blog and a link to The Monthly Marquee, an interview program hosted by Bart focused on performing arts activities in our region.
Audience Survey Winners
With the PAC being “Dark” and in production for THE SECRET GARDEN through August, there were no survey winners last month.
PAC Spotlight – July 2023
This month, the PAC Spotlight is featuring Corey Kieslich, a professional actor, and Lucy Melloan, a student at EHMS. They are both currently performing in The Secret Garden, a PAC ProAm production.
What Do You Do For A Living?
COREY: Actor
What do you want to do when you grow up?
LUCY: I either want to be an attorney or an interior designer.
What have you participated in at the PAC?
LUCY: The Nutcracker, dance recitals, and The Secret Garden
COREY: Secret Garden, Arsenic and Old Lace, and Annie Get Your Gun.
What have been your most rewarding PAC experiences?
LUCY: I’ve performed in The Nutcracker for several years now. From being on stage to seeing how everything works backstage, it’s one of my favorite things to do each year.
COREY: Being able to perform and create with individuals who give so much to the shows done here that it creates a great atmosphere for art to thrive.
What did you learn from your PAC experiences?
LUCY: I used to have stage fright, but performing at the PAC helped me overcome that.
COREY: A sense of professionalism and that theatre can thrive anywhere if the passion for it is there.
How have you benefited from the PAC?
LUCY: I’ve developed as a performer and a dancer. I’ve also gotten to experience stage shows as an audience member that have helped develop my love for the theater.
COREY: I’ve always felt that I have improved in my craft every time I have performed here.
Why is the PAC important to you?
LUCY: I really like going to see plays and musicals at the PAC. It’s also the first place I performed. I’m comfortable there, and I’m grateful we have such a nice facility and quality programs in our community.
COREY: It has played a role in my career as a performer. It has been a good place to test how far I have come since I first started performing 15 years ago.
Why should the PAC be important to others?
LUCY: Not all communities have a PAC. Seeing shows on stage should be something every kid gets to experience. Also, the opportunities for kids to perform in PAC productions help develop the skills needed to continue working and participating in the arts as adults.
COREY: It gives the surrounding area a quality theatre experience which can lead to more positives in the community.

PAC Season Event: Fall ProAm musical THE SECRET GARDEN.The timeless tale of a special place where magic, hope, and love grow. The enchanting Tony Award-winning musical based on Frances Hodgson Burnett’s novel is a compelling tale of forgiveness and renewal.
Run Time: 2 hours plus intermission.
Rated PG: Contains moments of mild peril and grief associated with death. Best for ages 9 and above.
Performances: September 16 & 23 @ 7 PM and September 17 & 24 @ 3 PM for the general public.
September 15 & 22 @ 7 PM – Free Fridays for Abound Credit Union Members. Tickets are only available with a code provided by email from Abound Credit Union. ALL SEATS HAVE BEEN RESERVED.
School day performance: September 22, 9:30 AM. For students/teachers. Reservations required.
Tickets On Sale: NOW.
Tickets $: $11, $16, $22.25, & $27.25.
Presented in partnership with Abound Credit Union

Third Party Event: Central Kentucky Community Foundation “Never Again: One Holocaust Survivor’s Story. Featuring Keynote Speaker Alice Dreifuss Goldstein, Holocaust Survivor.
Run Time: 1 1/2 hours
Public Performance: 7 PM
Tickets: Free
On Sale: Tentatively Sept 5.

PAC Season Event: ANIMANIACS IN CONCERT. Join Rob Paulson, Randy Rogel and Maurice LaMarche – the lead voices of the iconic animated series – for a “zany, animany and totally insaney” event as they perform the world-famous songs from the beloved cartoon series backed by the original projected animation.
Run Time: 90 Minutes.
Rated: G “For adults – It’s hip and funny…but kids will love it too!” Best for ages 5 and above.
School Day Performance: Friday, Oct 20 9:30 AM.
Public performance: 7 PM.
Tickets: $15, $25, $35, $45.
On Sale: Now.
Presented in partnership with Skaggs Limousine, Alan L Thomas Piano Tuning & Repair.

HCS Event: John Hardin High School Choral Concert.
Run Time: 90 min.
Public Performance: 7 PM.
Tickets: TBD
On sale: TBD
All tickets reserved through the PAC at www.thepac.net or 270-769-8837 X 4 or 5.
Under the direction of POC Phyllis Westfall 270-769-8906.
Donations made on this site benefit the Performing Arts Center and we graciously accept your support. To make a donation to the organizer of this event, please contact them directly.

HCS Event: Central Hardin High School Drama Club presents DECISION HEIGHT. This play by Meredith Dayna Levy gives a glimpse into the lives of the Women Air force Service Pilots during WWII.
Run Time: Approx. 2 hours.
Rated: Best for high school and above.
School Day performance, Friday 10 AM,
Tickets: $2.
Public performances: Friday, 7 PM & Saturday Matinee, 2 PM.
Tickets: $5 plus fees.
On sale: October 9.
All tickets reserved through the PAC at www.thepac.net or 270-769-8837 X 4 or 5.
Under the direction of Sarah Dakin 270-734-0021.
Donations made on this site benefit the Performing Arts Center and we graciously accept your support. To make a donation to the organizer of this event, please contact them directly.

The PAC was in production for the PAC Fall ProAm musical THE SECRET GARDEN during the month of August. Beginning in September, the production goes into tech week in prep for performances the weekend of Sept 15 – 17 & 22- 24.
On August 7, the John Hardin High School “Back to School Bash” Freshman orientation was held with Ms. Kim Case and Principal Mark Wells sharing important information with an audience of 439 freshmen and family members.
On August 23, 9 PAC volunteers – Jerry Cormier, Betty Kirby, Olivia Kizinkiewicz, Hazel Lowther, Joe Repoley, Deirdre Shockley, Cindy VanAusdall, Lorraine Walker, & Sharon Wiesner spent 6 hours placing address labels on over 12,000 new season brochures for post bulk mailing. All patrons who have shared an address with the PAC should have received their brochure in the mail the weekend of August 25 – 27. If you didn’t receive one, contact the PAC office at 270-769-8837 X 4 or 5. TICKETS FOR ALL PAC SEASON EVENTS ARE ON SALE NOW!
Total Served in AUGUST and Year To Date: 11 Adults, and 439 Audience Members.