February 22019 Guest Speaker GOP Event featuring Mike Huckabee. Please click here for tickets. You can select your reserved seat in the Balcony for $40, Rear Orchestra Level for $55 or Front Orchestra Level at $75 plus fee. For a VIP ticket package, please contact Kathy Sargeant at 330-329-0925.
February 5 Hardin County Schools Spelling Bee. 3:30-5:30 PM. POC Monica Oliver.
February 8 &10 North Hardin High School Drama Club presents LAW & ORDER FAIRY TALE UNIT. Friday, 7 PM. Sunday Matinee at 3 PM. POC Donna Thomas 270-351-3167.
February 9 Youth Theatre of Hardin County Winter Workshop (Second of three) in prep for summer production of HELLO DOLLY. 11 AM- 2 PM. POC Betty Marsee 270-765-5421.
February 17 North Hardin High School Choir Concert. 3 PM POC Beth Root 270-300-5614. (Rescheduled from Feb 3)
February 18North Hardin High School Wind Symphony Concert. With Guest Conductor. Concert start time has been changed to 6 PM. POC Brian Froedge
February 21Hardin County Board of Education Meeting. 6 PM. Student recognitions.
February 21“ThirdsDay” at Mark’s Feed Store. Mark your calendars, bring the voucher (or just show on your mobile device) and plan on having lunch or dinner or both at Mark’s to help support the PAC!
February 22 North Hardin High School Musical LION KING. 7 PM. Tickets: $5. POC Beth Root 270-300-5614.