On November 1, 38 students from Lincoln Trail Elementary Drama Club under the direction of Rebecca Parrish presented their fall musical A Race to the Finish before an audience of 660 of their peers and a public audience of 200.
On November 3, 75 students from John Hardin High School choirs under the direction of Phyllis Westfall presented a concert before an audience of 154.
On November 10, 115 students from Central Hardin High School choirs under the direction of Brandon Centers presented a fall choral concert before an audience of 260.
On November 11, Glen Rice/Buffalo Productions presented Glen Rice, Family and Friends Concert Series before an audience of 350 and celebrated our armed forces recognizing more than 50 military veterans in the audience.
On November 15, 139 students from Bluegrass Middle School bands under the direction of Shawn Roark presented a concert before an audience of 489.
On November 17, 220 students from East Hardin Middle School bands under the direction of Matt Baucum presented a concert before a capacity audience of nearly 800 including 50 standing room only!
On November 18, Kentucky Vocal Union and musical guests including 35 students from John Hardin High School’s Advanced Choir presented a concert before an audience of nearly 100.
On November 20, 21, 22, 95 members of Allegro Dance Theatre of Radcliff under the direction of Carol Zagar presented the 24th annual presentation of the classical “Cinderella, the Ballet” before a public audience of 450 and student audiences of more than 2,800.
On November 29, 215 members of North Hardin High School Bands under the direction of Daniel Ream presented a concert before an audience of nearly 400.