No events are confirmed for AUGUST at the PAC due to current COVID 19 restrictions but the PAC staff continues to move forward with planning and preparing for the return of school students on the 24th and …
Director Bart Lovins will be participating in POC listening sessions and beginning work on his adaptation of the 4th in the series of Sherlock Holmes’ plays planned for production in the 2021-22 Season.
Tech Director Aaron Taylor looks forward to the return of school students and working out details for the production of It’s a Wonderful Life scheduled for November.
Office Manager Justin Hornback, Custodian Ron Hartley and Secretary Diane Hafer will also be preparing for the return of school students and, hopefully, PAC events.
And for those of you who may still be staying healthy at home, are looking for new things to watch or long to see some live entertainment, don’t forget to check out PAC To Go.
And as we pay much needed attention to some “behind the scenes” spaces in the PAC, enjoy a peek at Ron enjoying a freshly waxed and clean production office.