On October 18, 19, 29 HCS students from Central Hardin High School Drama Club presented THE LARAMIE PROJECT before an audience of 100 HCS and 13 Non -HCS students and public audiences totaling 145.
On October 20, 9 Non-HCS young ladies participated in the Miss Central Kentucky Scholarship Pageant before an audience of 40.
On October 24, 28 students from John Hardin High School Choirs presented a concert before an audience of 78.
On October 26, Keith Anderson/ KA Drama Sanctuary and a cast of 15 adults presented GLEANING before an audience of more than 100.
On October 31 and Nov 1, 150 students from North Hardin High School Choral Department presented 4 performances of SEUSSICAL before student audiences totaling 2540 HCS students and 17 Non-HCS students.
TOTAL SERVED: 2847 HCS Students, 20 Non-HCS Students, 96 Adults, 263 Public Audience Members.