On March 1, 2, 24 students from John Hardin High School under the direction of Phyllis Westfall and Becky Lanham, presented the musical BYE BYE BIRDIE before audiences of nearly 200.
On March 8,9, 21 cast members from Central Hardin High School Drama Club & Hardin County Playhouse under the direction of Sarah Dakin presented THE CRUCIBLE before a student audience of 444 and public audiences of 150.
On March 9, 40 area youth participated in the third of three Youth Theatre of Hardin County Winter Workshops in prep for summer production of HELLO DOLLY.
On March 10, 62 members of Heartland Winds Concert under the direction of David Coffing presented a free concert before an audience of nearly 200.
On March 11, 143 band students from Central Hardin High School under the direction of David Centers presented a pre-assessment concert before an audience of 375.
On March 12, 68 band students from West Hardin Middle School under the direction of Laura Floyd presented a pre-assessment concert before an audience of 175.
On March 13, 63 wind symphony band students from North Hardin High School under the direction of Brian Froedge presented concert before an audience of 177.
On March 27, 120 students from East Hardin Middle School 7th & 8th Grades under the direction of Matt Baucum presented a pre-assessment concert before an audience of 340.
On March 15, THE PAC presented Kentucky Shakespeare in MACBETH before a student audience of 460 and public audiences of 262.
On March 19-22, 40 students with Allegro Dance Theatre under the direction of Carol Zagar presented the musical MARY POPPINS before student audiences totaling more than 3500 and a public audience of 375.
On March 25,26,27, the PAC hosted the KMEA Concert Band Assessment Festival. More than 2000 students in 50 different bands from 11 neighboring counties performed and were adjudicated while friends and family totaling more than 1000 looked on.
On March 29, Boss Lady Coaching presented “She Started It” Film and Panel Discussion for girls featuring 8 area business woman before an audience of 555 middle school girls from 6 area Middle Schools.