On January 9, Youth Theatre of Hardin County held their first of three Winter Drama Workshops in preparation for the summer musical production of THE ADDAMS FAMILY. 31 area youth attended. 20 HCS students, 11 Non-HCS students.
On January 29-31, the PAC presented its ProAm Classical THE NOVEL STAGE ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES: THE HOUND OF THE BASKERVILLES. Due to continuing COVID restrictions, there was no In-Person audience in attendance, and the Thursday evening “Opening Night” performance was canceled due to inclement weather. The production included 20 cast and crew, 18 adults and HCS 2 students, 6 professionals and 14 amateurs. Live STREAM performances were seen by a combined total of 60 households viewing locally from Bardstown, Elizabethtown, Louisville, Radcliff, Rineyville and Shelbyville; nationally from California, Florida, Indiana, Maryland and Washington State; and internationally from Canada.