IN REVIEW 2023-2024

IN REVIEW 2023-2024

JUNE 2024

Total Served YEAR TO DATE = 39,110
11,316 HCS Students, 3,943 Non-HCS Students, 1,222 Adults, and 22,618 Audience Members

Total Served in JUNE = 2,082 
725 HCS Students, 424 Non-HCS Students, 226 Adults, and 696 Audience Members

  • On June 1st the teachers and students of Center Stage held a rehearsal in preparation for their last recital in a series of three, which were held from the end of May to the beginning of June.
  • On June 2nd Center Stage held a recital showcasing their dance students of multiple ages to an audience of 341, bringing the total audience size from all three recitals to 991.
  • On June 3rd the Youth Theatre of Hardin County began their four-week-long stint of rehearsals for their upcoming performances of Matilda, featuring a cast of 35 HCS Students and 18 Non HCS Students.
  • On June 6th Allegro Dance Theatre held morning rehearsals in preparation of their “Disney Dazzle” performance featuring 26 HCS Students and 32 Non HCS Students.
  • On June 6th the 28 students of Allegro Dance Theatre had their evening performance of “Disney Dazzle” in front of a live audience of 230 and a streaming audience of 11.
  • On June 8th The PAC held a Kentucky Shakespeare “Page To Stage” Audition Workshop to a total of 10 participants, including 4 HCS Students and 3 Non HCS Students.
  • On June 12th and 13th The PAC and Youth Theatre of Hardin County held two workshops where 14 Youth Theatre members, 9 HCS Students and 5 Non HCS Students helped build set pieces for their July production of Matilda.
  • On June 21st and 22nd The PAC held auditions for the upcoming PAC ProAm production of The Play That Goes Wrong, which brought in a total of 23 hopeful actors, that included 20 adults, 1 HCS Student, and 2 Non HCS Students, and well as video submissions from 4 adults and 2 Non HCS Students.
  • On June 22nd The Heartland Songwriters Association of Kentucky held their inaugural “Songwriters Showcase” which highlighted original music from a dozen regional artists to an audience of 55.
  • On June 24th and 25th 15 adults, 10 HCS Students and 11 Non HCS Students auditioned for roles for the upcoming PAC Production of Mary Poppins.  Along with the 36 in person auditions, there were also 7 video submissions from 4 adults and 3 HCS Students

MAY 2024

Total Served YEAR TO DATE = 37,028
10,591 HCS Students, 3,519 Non-HCS Students, 996 Adults, and 21,922 Audience Members

Total Served in MAY= 4,963
944 HCS Students, 289 Non-HCS Students, 168 Adults, and 3,562 Audience Members

  • On May 10th 70 HCS students in the Bluegrass Middle School Band held a concert for a public audience of 577.
  • On May 11th The Lawson School of Music held a musical recital with 60 HCS Students and 5 Non HCS students for a public audience of 313.
  • On May 13th the John Hardin Chorus held a rehearsal with their 64 HCS Students in preparation for their upcoming choir concert and 3 short plays.
  • On May 13th the 64 John Hardin Chorus students performed their choir concert and short plays to an audience of 153.
  • On May 14th Abound Credit Union held their annual Members Meeting for an attendance size of 288, which included a short performance by 15 Central Hardin High School Choir students as well as a performance by country artist JD Shelburne.
  • On May 15th the 32 students of John Hardin High School’s Band held a concert for an audience of 123.
  • On May 16th Board Members of Hardin County Schools held their monthly Board Meeting at The PAC where they recognized 83 HCS Students to an audience of 286.
  • On May 17th the 99 HCS students and 10 Non HCS Students of Dance Centre of Elizabethtown held a dance rehearsal for a parent audience of 115.
  • On May 18th the Dance Center of Elizabethtown held an afternoon recital for an audience of 411 as well as an evening recital for an audience of 248, for a total combined audience size of 659 and a participation number of 99 HCS students and 10 Non HCS Students.
  • On May 19th Studio One Eleven held a rehearsal for their 35 HCS and 21 Non HCS students in preparation of their upcoming performance.
  • On May 20th the 56 total students of Studio One Eleven had their recital for an audience size of 279.
  • On May 22nd and 23rd the 39 HCS Students and 44 Non HCS Students of Allegro Dance Theatre had rehearsals in anticipation of their multiple recitals and performances.
  • On May 25th Allegro Dance Theatre held a performance of Shrek the Musical Jr. for an audience of 325 as well as an evening ballet and dance recital for an audience of 205 for a combined audience size of 530.
  • On May 26th Allegro Dance Theatre and a total of 37 HCS Students and 40 NON HCS Students held a ballet and dance for an audience of 216. For a total weekend event total of 746 audience members, as well as 23 Live Stream viewers.
  • On May 28th-31st Center Stage Dance Studio will hold a multiday event of rehearsals and recitals for their students and public audience.

APRIL 2024

Total Served YEAR TO DATE = 32,065
9,647 HCS Students, 3,230 Non-HCS Students, 828 Adults, and 18,360 Audience Members

Total Served in April= 3,235
1,133HCS Students, 552 Non-HCS Students, 118 Adults, and 1,431 Audience Members

  • On April 9th Kentucky Shakespeare held their final Page to Stage Workshop where the 2 HCS student and 5 adult writers heard their plays come to life with 1 HCS student and 5 adult actors reading the scripts aloud to an audience of 14.
  • On April 10th Center Stage had a recital rehearsal for a total of 18 HCS and 4 Non HCS student dancers and 3 adult participants.
  • On April 12th Kentucky Shakespeare held a school show performance of A Midsummer’s Night Dream for a HCS student audience of 10 and a Non HCS audience of 28 for a total combined audience of 38.
  • On April 12th Kentucky Shakespeare held an evening public performance of A Midsummer’s Night Dream for an audience of 116.
  • On April 15th Missoula Children’s Theatre held auditions for King Arthur’s Quest for 24 HCS student participants and 38 Non HCS participants in front of a public audience of 50.
  • On April 15th to April 19th, Missoula Children’s Theatre held rehearsals for their cast of 21 HCS students, 35 Non HCS students to a total combined audience of 76.
  • On April 19th Missoula Children’s Theatre had a school performance of King Arthur’s Quest for an audience of 45 HCS and 33 Non HCS students for a total audience size of 78 attendees.
  • On April 19th and 20th Missoula Children’s Theatre held 2 public performances of King Arthur’s Quest for a total combined audience of 480.
  • On April 22nd-April 24th The Lawson School of Music had 3 rehearsals for Seussical Jr. for their performers of 36 HCS students and 3 Non HCS students and a crew of 3 adults.
  • On April 25th The Lawson School of Music held a school day performance of Seussical Jr. for a HCS student audience of 524 and a Non HCS student audience of 133, as well as a public show for an audience of 242, for a total audience size of 899.
  • On April 26th Youth Theatre of Hardin County had 17 HCS students and 13 Non HCS students  audition for roles in Matilda.
  • On April 27th Youth Theatre of Hardin County continued auditions for Matilda with 20 HCS students and 8 Non HCS students.
  • On April 29th The HCS Gift and Talented Program held a Dance Intensive where The Louisville Ballet visited 80 4th-8th students.
  • On April 29th CKA Dance Academy and their 72 HCS students and 29 Non HCS students held their April Dance Recital in front of a public audience of 340.
  • On April 30th Hardin County Schools held their annual Volunteer Banquet for 127 volunteer attendees.
  • On April 30th 44 members of The Central Hardin High School Band held a performance for an audience of 127 HCS Volunteers and several HCS Central Office staff members.

MARCH 2024

Total Served YEAR TO DATE = 28,830
8,514 HCS Students, 2,678 Non-HCS Students, 709 Adults, and 16,929 Audience Members

Total Served in March= 9,140            
3,308 HCS Students, 1,385 Non-HCS Students, 232 Adults, and 4,215 Audience Members

  • On March 1st & 2nd NHHS had two performances of “The Wizard Of Oz” with 19 student participants and an combined public audience of 188
  • On March 5th Ky Shakespeare held their Page To Stage Writers Workshop for a total of 2 HCS student and 8 adult writers
  • March 5th-7th CHHS had 3 consecutive rehearsals for “SpongeBob the Musical” with a cast of 30 HCS students and 6 Adult participants
  • On March 8th CHHS held a school day performance for 453 HCS students, 16 Non-HCS students
  • On March 8th & 9th CHHS had their final 2 “SpongeBob the Musical” performances for a total public audience of 487
  • On March 9th, Youth Theatre Hardin County held its 3rd workshop of the year and had 40 HCS student participants, 19 Non-HCS student participants and had 19 adults participants
  • On Mach 11th Vine Grove Elementary held a rehearsal for “Jungle Book Kids” for their HCS student cast of 209 with 16 adult participants
  • On March 11th VGE had a parent performance night for an audience of 756
  • On March 12th VGE had a school show of “Jungle Book Kids” for a HCS student audience of 342
  • On March 13th Bluegrass Middle School had a KMEA Rehearsal for their 48 HCS students and 5 teachers and an audience of 15 HCS students
  • On March 14th West Hardin Middle School held a combined HCS band concert with Derby City Brass Band also performing with a total of 44 HCS students, 30 adult performers with Derby City Brass Band and a public audience of 142
  • On March 18th Hardin County Baptist Health held an OD Awareness Program with 15 adult participants, 1 HCS student participant and a public audience of 35
  • On March 19th Allegro Dance Theatre held a rehearsal for their cast of 26 HCS students, 20 Non-HCS students and 8 adults participants for “Shrek The Musical JR”
  • On March 19th Allegro Dance Theatre had a parent preview night for an audience of 101
  • On March 20,21, and 22 Allegro Dance Theatre held 6 school day performances of “Shrek The Musical Jr” for a total of 1,325 HCS students and 1,550 Non HCS students in 3 days
  • On March 22nd and 23rd Allegro Dance Theatre held 2 public performances of “Shrek The Musical Jr” for a total public audience of 509 and live streaming audience of 13
  • On March 24th Heartland Winds had a Spring Concert for 225 audience members
  • On March 25th, 26th and 27th KMEA held student band adjudications for a total of 13 HCS Band and 29 Non-HCS Bands, equaling 753 HCS student Band members, 1,385 Non HCS Band members and over 66 adult conductors and helpers.  The event  total 3 day audience of 1,720 spectators.


Total Served YEAR TO DATE = 19,690:
5,206 HCS Students, 1,293 Non-HCS Students, 477 Adults, and 12,714 Audience Members

Total Served in February= 3,536:
2,026 HCS Students, 40 Non-HCS Students,64 Adults, and 1,446 Audience Members

  • On February 1st CHHS Band Concert had a participation number of 46 student musicians, 3 adults and had an audience of 184
  • On February 5th NHHS Choir held a concert with 2 adult coordinators, and  85 choir students performing for an audience of 355
  • On February 7th-8th NHHS Camp Rock had 2 rehearsals for 25 student participants
  • On February 9-11th NHHS Camp Rock had 3 performances to a student audience of 586, and a public audience of 300
  • On February 10th The Youth Theatre Hardin County held a workshop for 19 Non-HCS students, 43 HCS students and 14 Adults
  • On February 12th Lincoln Trail held their 2024 BETA Submission Taping Event with 40 HCS student participants and 8 adult participants and invited a parent audience of 60 to view the final skit of the night
  • On February 13th KY Shakespeare Page To Stage held their Writers Workshop with 2 HCS Student Participants and 5 Adults
  • On February 20-22nd JHHS had 3 days of rehearsals for Legally Blonde The Musical with a cast and crew of 45 students and 5 adults
  • On February 23-24, & 26th  JHHS had 4 performances of Legally Blonde the Musical with a student audience of 793 and public audience of 547
  • On February 27-29th NHHS held Wizard Of Oz rehearsals for 12 students and 1 adult participant and will have 2 Performances in March


Total Served YEAR TO DATE = 16,154:
3,180 HCS Students, 1,293 Non-HCS Students, 413 Adults, and 11,268 Audience Members.

Total Served in January= 1,775:
85 HCS Students, 40 Non-HCS Students,163 Adults, and 1,487 Audience Members.

  • On January 19th-January 21st The PAC presented 3 ProAM Classic Performances of CLUE to a total public audience of 1,165
  • On January 23rd The PAC held it’s KY Shakespeare Page To Stage Writer’s Workshop which included 2 HCS student participants, 3 adult participants and 1 instructor
  • On January 26th Heartland Elementary held their BETA Submission Taping Event on stage with 50 HCS Student participants and 4 adults
  • On January 30th The PAC hosted Studio One Eleven’s Winter Fairy Tale Recital which included  55 area youth performers to a public audience of 322


Total Served YEAR TO DATE = 14,379:
3,095 HCS Students, 1,253 Non-HCS Students, 250 Adults, and 9,781 Audience Members.

Total Served in December= 5035:
545 HCS Students, 268 Non-HCS Students, 93 Adults, and 4,632 Audience Members.

  • December 2nd The Heart of Ky Choir held a Concert to a total audience of 573
  • December 3rd Glen Rice Family and Friends Presented The “Remembering Christmas though the Years” Concert to a public audience of 343
  • December 4th The North Hardin Band held a concert to an audience of 498
  • December 5th The John Hardin Choir Concert presented to an audience of 165
  • December 6th was the St James Christmas Musical with a total audience of 469
  • December 7th Heartland Winds held a concert for an audience of 287
  • December 10th was The Center Stage Christmas Gala for an audience of 514
  • December 15-17 was the PAC Season Event of Nutcracker. Over 3 days, The Nutcracker had 5 performances with a total student audience of 558 and total public audience of 1,783
  • The Winter’s Waltz Gallery Art Exhibit was also held in conjunction with the performances of The Nutcracker


Total Served YEAR TO DATE = 8,849:
2,549 HCS Students, 995 Non-HCS Students,147 Adults, and 5,158 Audience Members.

Total Served in November= 5035:
2,359 HCS Students, 818 Non-HCS Students, 97 Adults, and 2,236 Audience Members.

  • On November 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, the PAC held North Hardin High School’s Willy Wonka, Jr. before a public audience of 508 and a student audience of 1072, a total of 2010.
  • On November 15th, the PAC held John Hardin High School’s Overdose Simulation Event before a student audience of 808.
  • On November 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st, the PAC held Allegro Dance Center’s Cinderella before a public audience of 508 and a student audience of 919, a total of 1427.
  • On November 28th, the PAC held Lawson’s School of Music’s A Christmas Journey before a public audience of 301.
  • On November 30th, the PAC held West Hardin Middle School’s Band Concert before a public audience of 489.


Total Served YEAR TO DATE = 5,489:
1,163 HCS Students, 542 Non-HCS Students, 862 Adults, and 2,922 Audience Members.

Total Served in OCTOBER = 1,370:
456 HCS Students, 20 Non-HCS Students, 31 Adults, and 863 Audience Members.

  • On October 18th, the PAC held Central Kentucky Community Foundation’s “Never Again: One Holocaust Survivor’s Story” before a public audience 247.
  • On October 20th, the PAC presented ANIMANIACS IN CONCERT before a student audience of 337 and an adult audience of 231, a total of 478.
  • On October 23rd, the PAC held John Hardin High School’s Fine Arts Event before a public audience of 217.
  • On October 27th and 28th, the PAC held Central Hardin High School’s DECISION HEIGHTS before a public audience of 168 and a student audience of 119, a total of 278.


On September 15 – 17 and 22-24, the PAC in partnership with Abound Credit Union presented 6 performances of its fall ProAm musical THE SECRET GARDEN before a student audience of 269 and public audiences totaling 1,620.

Total Served in SEPTEMBER:  541 HCS students, 526 Non-HCS students, 851 Adults, and  1620 Audience Members.

Total Served YEAR TO DATE: 605 HCS students, 526 Non-HCS students, 862 Adults, and  2059 Audience Members.


The PAC was in production for the PAC Fall ProAm musical  THE SECRET GARDEN during the month of August. Beginning in September, the production goes into tech week in prep for performances the weekend of Sept 15 – 17 & 22- 24.

On August 7, the John Hardin High School “Back to School Bash” Freshman orientation was held with Ms. Kim Case and Principal Mark Wells sharing important information with an audience of 439 freshmen and family members.

On August 23, 9 PAC volunteers – Jerry Cormier, Betty Kirby, Olivia Kizinkiewicz,  Hazel Lowther, Joe Repoley, Deirdre Shockley, Cindy VanAusdall, Lorraine Walker, & Sharon Wiesner spent 6 hours placing address labels on over 12,000 new season brochures for post bulk mailing. All patrons who have shared an address with the PAC should have received their brochure in the mail the weekend of August 25 – 27. If you didn’t receive one, contact the PAC office at 270-769-8837 X 4 or 5. TICKETS FOR ALL PAC SEASON EVENTS ARE ON SALE NOW!

Total Served in AUGUST and Year To Date:  11 Adults, and  439 Audience Members.

JULY 2023

On July 1, a Celebration of Life for Patty Lirot was held before an audience of 205.

On July 14-16 and 21-23, 49 area youth with Youth Theatre of Hardin County presented 7 performances of OKLAHOMA before audiences totaling 1,764.

Total Served in JULY 1,446 HCS Students, 373 Non-HCS Students, 69 Adults, and  1,969 Audience Members.

Total Served Year to Date: 16,921 HCS Students, 5,324 Non-HCS Students, 5,454 Adults, 24,314 Public Audience Members, 114 LiveStreamed to 17 states and 2 countries.