quote-whatever-you-do-do-it-well-do-it-so-well-that-when-people-see-you-do-it-they-will-want-walt-disney-105-81-78After a year of work on my own and three months of collaboration with others, Disney’s The Little Mermaid is a month away from being ready to share with an audience – the final piece of the puzzle. For although we’re creating one of the most effervescent fall musicals ever at the PAC, this show will sink or swim (pun intended) upon the willingness of our audiences to accept the world and creatures we’ve created and how we bring it all to life.

If rehearsals are any indication, I am confident we will be able to live up to Disney’s motto.

Take a peak behind the scenes on our Facebook Page and come judge for yourself how well we’ve done.
Tickets are on sale now and going fast!

Congratulations to Carrie Weber and Madison Kisselbaugh, winners of a $20 PAC Gift Certificate for completing their Pinocchio program survey.

The PAC Kid Spotlight shines this month on Elizabethtown High School student Grace Greenwell who just won 3rd place at the State Fair Coca-Cola Classic Talent Competition for her singing. You can catch Grace in action later this month as a Mersister in the PAC’s ProAm production of Disney’s The Little Mermaid.

Learn more about all of our featured students at