Spring brings Hocus Focus – our final event of this season – to The PAC on May 5th at 7PM.
Back in January of 2016 illusionist Kevin Spencer and I first sat down in a New York hotel lobby and began hammering out our plans for a sensory friendly magic show as the culmination of a yearlong residency for HCS special needs students – several of whom we hope to have as Guest Stars during the performance.
This has been and continues to be a bit of a stretch for us at the PAC and I think we’ve learned as much if not more than the student participants.
I’m eager to share what we and these students and their instructors have been working on all these months with an audience of peers and family members.
Come be part of what I think will be in every sense of the word a truly magical evening.
This month the PAC Kid Spotlight shines on Cecilia Field. Cecilia has been a PAC Aide all year and has gotten to experience life on stage and behind the scenes in several productions. Learn more about Cecilia and our other PAC Kids.
And finally, The Elephant Man program survey winners are Marianne Parrish, Jane Perks, Sylvia Baker, Hugh Spalding & Marla Glover. Congrats to each of you for your $20 PAC Gift Certificates!