If you haven’t yet checked out our new website, there’s no time like the present. One click and you’re on your way…. Online ticket sales have begun and they are going fast – particularly for our fall musical Disney’s The Little Mermaid.
But before we all dive under the sea, we’ll be visited by our friends Missoula Children’s Theatre and their production of Pinocchio. MCT has been visiting the PAC since 2004. Throughout its 40 year existence, the Missoula Children’s Theatre International Tour has fostered developmental life skills in more than a million kids. Just this year, they will work with 65,000 children in more than 1,200 communities in all 50 states and 17 countries.
Learn more about Missoula Children’s Theatre at MCTinc.org.

The PAC Kid Spotlight shines this month on JHHS graduate Holden Wiggins. Holden has been onstage at the PAC in several productions and behind the scenes his senior year as a PAC Aide. He is spending this summer once again performing at the Stephen Foster Amphitheater in Bardstown and in the fall will be attending Northern Kentucky University.
Learn more about all of our featured students at thepac.net/kid-spotlight.