Third Party Event: Central Kentucky Community Foundation “Never Again: One Holocaust Survivor’s Story. Featuring Keynote Speaker Alice Dreifuss Goldstein, Holocaust Survivor.
Run Time: 1 1/2 hours
Public Performance: 7 PM
Tickets: Free
On Sale: Tentatively Sept 5.
POC Julia Springsteen
Holocaust survivor, Alice Dreifuss Goldstein, will speak at a free community event sponsored by the Central Kentucky Community Foundation’s Marvin and Joyce Benjamin Fund at 7pm on Wednesday, October 18.
Ms. Goldstein emigrated from southwest Germany with her parents in 1939, after her father was released from Dachau Concentration Camp on the condition they leave the country. Her earliest memories are of the isolation she felt as a small child from the pervasiveness of Nazi antisemitism.
The event, “Never Again: One Holocaust Survivor’s Story,” will kick off the opening of an exhibit of over twenty murals depicting scenes of the Holocaust that will be on display in the Morrison Gallery at Elizabethtown Community and Technical College. The exhibit will be open to the public and school groups Monday through Friday, 8:30am – 4:30pm beginning October 18 through November 21. Exhibit hours will be extended each Thursday until 7pm and open on Saturdays from 10am – 3pm.